ParkingToiletsSuitable for small childrenSuitable for dogs
Tonbridge to Haysden Country Park Stile Free Trail
Tonbridge to Haysden Country Park Stile Free TrailDownload
Route type
3 mi4.83 km
Distance from train station
0.6 mi
Start postcode
Tonbridge & Malling
Medway Valley
Nearest train station
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Our stile free routes are suitable for a wide range of users including those in mobility scooters and families with younger children.

At Explore Kent, we aim to provide detailed information about our routes to give you a clear idea of what to expect. Please be mindful that our stile free routes are located in the countryside and the path surfaces can be adversely affected by poor weather conditions. Certain routes may be better suited for wheelchairs with wider wheels, as they can handle the terrain more easily compared to other wheelchairs. We encourage you to read about the trails, and to assess them if you feel confident in completing them yourself.

If you would like more information on accessibility, please email

Route information:

A flat walk of 1.2 miles (1.9km). The paths are a mixture of tarmac and a hard coarse surface. There are frequent rest areas along the route. A radar key may be required for wide access through the kissing gates.

This route is mainly flat along a tarmac path with hard surfaces around the lake. The route is also very convenient for visitors taking advantage of the train.

Leaving the motte and bailey of Tonbridge Castle behind, the path follows through light woodland. Small streams and picturesque ponds to open out alongside Barden Lake – a popular spot with bird and wildlife enthusiasts, as well as families throughout the year.

There are plenty of resting points to sit and enjoy the antics of the wildfowl on the lake.

This area has been designated as a Site of Nature Conservation Interest.

Haysden Country Park also offers good facilities including toilets with disabled access and a children’s play area.

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Step by step guide

From the entrance to Lower Castle Fields car park, walk up the road for 10m to take the path on the left indicated by the Weald Way sign pointing to the left.

Follow the path round the corner to the left and continue until you reach the railway underpass.

Continue to follow the path over the footbridge until the path forks.

Take the left fork (following the sign to Haysden Country Park) which leads you over two further footbridges. Keep following the path until you reach a footbridge on your left.

Go over the footbridge followed by a second footbridge then turn right following the sign to Haysden Country Park and Penshurst through the woodland to reach Barden Lake.

Turn left and follow the path round the edge of the lake.

Half way round the lake there is a left turn, which will guide you through an underpass and to Haysden Country Park car park and playground. Alternatively, continue round the lake and retrace your steps back to the start.

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