Cycling with A Better Medway
Celebrate cycling in Medway
Come along to the Sticks and Stones Festival 2024 and learn more about a cycling journey in Medway. From non-cyclists to regular cyclists to commuters, we will have Learn2Fix, Dr Fix, Bike security, cycling knowledge games.
We will also be running a competition for everyone who attends one of our DR FIX, LEARN2FIX, LED RIDE or completes our on the day knowledge of cycling workshops. You can win one of two £50 vouchers that can be used towards any services offered by our mechanic at CyclemaintenanceUK.
Are you ready to start your cycling journey?
Have you got yourself a bike and feel ready for the challenge of cycling? To kickstart your cycling journey, the first step is to connect with a local cycling group. Medway has a number of cycling groups who will be able to offer individuals numerous opportunities to explore Medway.
Whether you’re looking to make cycling your new hobby or to explore your surrounding area on a bike, riding with a group can provide a fantastic avenue. Cycling groups can show your areas of Medway that you may not have known existed.
Active Medway Cycling Project

Active Medway Cycling Projects Logo
Active Medway cycling projects utilises a new approach to encourage active travel via cycling.
We offer community led rides that are a shorter distance, on cycle lanes, weekdays and at a steady pace all across Medway. Our regular participants come from several cycling backgrounds, from those that have learnt to ride with A Better Medway and their ‘onyerbike’ project through to those that prefer a steadier pace of cycling.
The focus of the cycling project has been to encourage more people back to cycling who may have not cycled for a while due to reasons such as a lack of confidence.
The rides run all year round and are led by Community cycle leaders.
The ‘OnYerbike’ also known as the Learn to cycle program, coaches’ adults to understand, balance and co-ordinate pedaling on the bike. The venues for these are flexible and offer a one to one bespoke approach to cycling and are delivered all over Medway at suitable locations.
CyclingUK Simple Maintenance Guides

Cycling UK Logo
Everyone’s a beginner when they start to cycle.
With more than 140 years’ experience in the saddle, CyclingUK as part of the Big Bike revival in Medway, would like to share the love of cycling, expertise and support with you.
CyclingUK champion a simple belief: that cycling should be fun, inspiring and accessible for all. If you’re looking to get in the saddle for the first time, or want to brush up on some rusty skills, we have all the advice and information you need to get going.
We have included the 5 steps for essential bike maintenance that you can download to your phone. You may also access video tutorials of the maintenance guides.
The Big Bike Revival

The Big Bike Revival Logo
Cycling is a fantastic way to travel locally. It’s healthy, social, practical, sustainable and can save you money. We deliver a massive programme of Big Bike Revival events across England to help adults start cycling or revive a love of cycling.
All the events are designed specifically for adults who do not cycle or have not cycled for a while by offering solutions to barriers that currently prevent them from cycling.
Events offer opportunities to get cycles fixed, learn new skills or take part in a local led ride.
All events are completely free and delivered locally by community groups and organisations which understand the local need.
British Cycling: Let’s Ride

British Cycling Logo
If you want to cycle more in and around Medway, and looking for adventure without the route planning and admin, Guided Rides are for you.
All you have to do is bring your bike and pedal. Local Ride Leaders, Community leaders and volunteers will do the rest.
It’s easy. It’s free. And it’s a fantastic day out for the whole family, with friends, or just on your own. You’ll meet new people, improve your fitness, and get more confident on your bike.
Kent Connected: Active Travel around Medway

Kent Connected
Kent Connected is a free journey planner that empowers you to make smarter travel choices with your health, time, and the environment in mind.
The app makes travel planning easy by showing live bus and train times, offering different route suggestions for walking and cycling and using integrated walking and cycling maps to help ease any worries and get you on your way.
The app features an Ordnance Survey map layer as well as a brand new section featuring Explore Kent walking and cycling routes.