ParkingSuitable for small childrenSuitable for dogs
Hamstreet - a natural haven
Hamstreet - a natural havenDownload
Route type
2 mi3.22 km
Start postcode
TN26 2DX
Romney Marsh
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Strolling through the nature reserve you’ll come across woodland which has been managed traditionally by Natural England, using methods such as coppicing to allow the wildlife to flourish.

In amongst the oak and silver birch you may discover the rare Wild Service trees that once sprouted over the entire Weald.

A spring walk will reveal woodland glades carpeted with bluebells and wood anemones and the sound of Nightingales high above in the woodland canopy, while tawny owls are a more common spot in autumn.

Along the way stop and enjoy striking views across the marshes and the farmland towards the Royal Military Canal, before heading back towards Hamstreet.

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