Westerham Walk

The Public Rights of Way team aim to “provide a high quality, well-maintained network, that is well used and enjoyed. The use of the network will support the Kent economy, encourage active lifestyles and sustainable travel choices that support health and wellbeing, and contribute to making Kent a great place to live, work and visit”.

Kent County Council’s PROW and Access Service is committed to working to deliver the positive outcomes identified in the Improvement plan and has looked for innovative ways to improve the PROW network. They aim to create a network that not only provides a safe, sustainable means of travel but also delivers the benefits that access to the network, countryside, coast and green spaces can make to improve the quality of life for Kent’s residents and visitors.

New and Improved Public Rights of Way

At Explore Kent, we aim to promote big projects or improvements made that are in the publics interest. Are there any recent improvements you have seen that you think should be mentioned? Get in contact with us via email.

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