Medway: Nordic Walking
Benefits of Nordic Walking:
Nordic walking is a great form of physical activity using a pair of specially designed Nordic walking poles. It is a safe way to improve your natural walking technique alongside fitness levels by allowing the body to work in a balanced way.
Using nordic walking poles means your walking becomes more efficient and increases the muscles working in the upper body. This means 90% of the body’s skeletal muscles are used, turning your normal walk into an all over body workout
A Better Medway offer up to 6-weeks of training before joining a Nordic walking group. The course will teach you the technique required to join our regularly Nordic walking programme.
Poles will be provided for these sessions. They offer a fast-track training session for walkers who have their own nordic walking poles.

A group of walkers with Nordic walking poles waling into a sun set with the valley tree line in the distance
Ready to join your local group:
For more information about accessing the training resources, instructors, locations and times, contact: 01634 333 720 or email

Nordic Walking Group at the even, wild at Capstone, September
Nordic walking for Schools
Recently added to A Better Medway and the ever expanding Nordic walking scheme, we can offer child-friendly training sessions.
These sessions will teach children (5 years and older) the International Nordic Walking Association’s (INWA’s) 10 steps of British Nordic Walking technique with instructor-led fun and games.
The children will engage in enrichment exercises while learning about enjoying the great outdoors.
The sessions will be delivered under instructions of the Lead Medway Nordic Walking instructor.
For more information contact:

A student being taught Nordic Walking in front of a hedge
Nordic Walking for people living with Parkinson’s
Keeping active is essential for people living with Parkinson’s. It can help you manage your symptoms and slow their progression. Nordic Walking is an exercise that can help with this and provide other valuable benefits too. As an exercise it is both safe and sociable – you can join your local Nordic Walking group at Watling Street Playing Fields and contact your locally trained instructors.

Picture of a gentlemen with Parkinson’s holding Nordic Walking Poles