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Nordic walking is a great form of physical activity using a pair of specially designed nordic walking poles. It is a safe way to improve your natural walking technique alongside fitness levels by allowing the body to work in a balanced way.

Using nordic walking poles means your walking becomes more efficient and increases the muscles working in the upper body. This means 90% of the body’s skeletal muscles are used, turning your normal walk into an all over body workout.

Active Medway offer up to 6-weeks of training before joining a Nordic walking group. The course will teach you the technique required to join our regularly Nordic walking programme.

Poles will be provided for these sessions. They offer a fast-track training session for walkers who have their own nordic walking poles.

Main base and training at Capstone Park get in contact below to start nordic walking!


Join a Walk:

For more information contact 01634 333 720 or email walking@medway.gov.uk

Nordic Walking for Health Conditions

Nordic Walking Sessions:

Every other Thursday 12.30pm- 2pm but contact below to make sure:

Email: walking@medway.gov.uk

Location: Using the Anchorians field, Darland Avenue, Gillingham ME7 3AN

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