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Logo: Medway Urban Greenspace Forum

Volunteering is a wonderful way to get out, meet new people and keep active. Here are some opportunities to volunteer across Medway:

Country Park Volunteer Groups:

These groups are either self-led or led by a countryside ranger and are completely based around hands-on tasks such as habitat management or litter picking. These groups volunteer on both weekdays and weekends. For more information on volunteering at a Country Park, please email medway-countryside-service@ncsgrp.co.uk.

‘Friends of’ Groups:

These are independent community groups who maintain, improve, and promote specific parks in Medway. There are ‘Friends of’ groups at many of Medway’s parks and they provide a forum that allows people to discuss ways we can shape the parks and host a variety of activities such as events and fundraisers. For more information on volunteering please email yournew@medway.gov.uk or click on the link below to find your local friend’s group in Medway:



Medway Urban Greenspaces Forum

Volunteer Groups:

  • Volunteer groups are completely based around hands on practical tasks on site such as planting or litter picking.
  • They may be based at one site or roaming.
  • Groups are either self-led (with a strong input from Medway Council) or led by a Countryside Ranger.


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