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Watling Street Playing Fields hosts the local Anchorians Football, Hockey and Rugby Clubs.
The playing fields are marked out for rugby with permanent rugby goals available.

There are football fields which are marked but the goal posts are removed when there is no football matches or training.

The playing fields are on a slight gradient which allows a back drop past the club house over the River Medway towards the Hoo peninsula. The area has tree lined fences around the outside which makes this area ideal for walking.

There is ample parking along the main entrance to the clubhouse and the facilities are available for hire.

You can also explore the surrounding areas of Darland Banks with a local walking group. For more information about any local groups, you can visit the Medway Health Walks Location list.

Easy access information

Parking along the main access road from Darland Avenue is available when the barrier is open. There are Three pedestrian entrances along the South fence line. The entrance opposite Allison avenue is a swing gate. The middle entrance in the middle opposite hermitage drive is a style. The third entrance from academy drive near the business park is a pedestrian access with a width restrition. There is a fourth entrance from Rotary gardens that links to the A2/Watling Street, however there a couple of steps here.

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