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Kentish Stour

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Sturry Road Community Park has been created from an 18 hectare site previously used as a landfill refuse tip behind the Park and Ride Car Park in Sturry Road just outside Canterbury. Restoration involved importing surplus soil from local development sites, levying a tipping charge, and using the funds to pay for the development of the park. The creation of the park has transformed a sterile, forgotten wasteland into a new park for people and wildlife. Over 10,000 native trees and shrubs have been planted to effectively create a green edge to the City and strengthen the green gap between Canterbury and Sturry. The whole park is available for everyone to use. There really is something for everyone – play facilities for all ages, ornamental garden, sports pitch, BMX track, multi-games court, skateboard park, event arena, a mile long circular walking route, jogging, cycling and exercise trails linked to the Canterbury to Fordwich cycle/walking route, newly planted amenity woodland and an ecological park with wildflower meadow.

Easy access information

This park and open space has well surfaced routes suitable for visitors with pushchairs and/or wheelchairs, and has no width restricting features, such as stiles or non RADAR kissing gates.

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