Suitable for dogs
Route type
4 mi6.5 km
Start postcode
TN16 1QG
Ide Hill
Nearest train station

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Route Overview:  Celebrate the life of Octavia Hill (1838–1912) on a walk to the picturesque village of Ide Hill and her commemorative seat, passing Emmetts Garden on the way back.

Founder of the National Trust in 1895, she was a social reformer, philanthropist, artist and writer. A remarkable woman, her vision has led to her being a major influence on our lives today.

The Terrain:  The terrain varies throughout the route; some areas are quite rough and have steep slopes and some steps, including rough paths through woodland. Some sections are on the road so be aware of traffic. Dogs are welcome on the trail but we ask to keep your waggy tailed walking pal on a lead in the garden at Emmetts.

Why not also download Octavia Hill Centenary Trail West a 6-mile (9.6km) walk that can be done separately or together with this one to make up a figure-of-eight trail.

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