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Jacksons Recreation Ground’s triangular site lies west of Fort Pitt Gardens, between City Way to the west and New Road to the north.

Jacksons field has it’s own history to tell with archive records showing that this area was gifted to the then  city of Rochester in approximately 1914. It was not known until some months after that the donor was the then Mayor, Councillor John Howard Jackson who had been elected Mayor of Rochester in 1912.

When Jackson’s field was officially opened, the tennis courts and bowling green were mentioned in a news article in 1928.

The view from the highest point on the southern side of the ground allows extensive views to the west over Rochester and to the northwest and north over the Medway River and beyond to the Frindsbury.

One principal feature you will notice is the large sports field is laid out on an upper terrace. This terrace is popular for a variety of events including fairs and circuses.

Jackson’s field also has another unique design feature at the top of the hill, a wheel park, also known as Rochester Skate Park and was opened in 2007.

Alongside the tennis courts, bowling green and wheelpark, you have a large play area with a number of play equipment for younger children. Picnic tables and safe bike parking inside the gated area makes this an ideal play and stay location.

Easy access information

There is an accessible entrance by the junction of City Way and New Road. The accessible entrance is signposted.

All other entrance are sloped with gradient entry points.

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