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Fort Clarence Gardens is a small greenspace that would best be described, by it’s donor, Mr Willis in 1928 (1925 for the memorial garden) as …”An opportunity to secure this extra lung for the [then] city”…

The history of this area, with it’s winter view point of the River Medway, creates a welcome rest point you can enjoy while walking the Rochester Community Trail or while cycling from Rochester along the signposted NCN 17. The Southern most greenspace has a memorial stone and plaque which give the garden its name and creates a nice challenge for younger explorers to try and find.

There are no children specific activities or play parks here due to the decent towards the River Medway, but the nearby Fort Clarence building you can see on the other side of Borstal Road, tells a history of its own. An example would be, did you know the road used to be a drawbridge until it was widened. Also, the fort you see used to be a Napoleonic fort dating back to 1808.

You can also explore the surrounding area of Rochester with a local walking group. For more information about any local groups, you can visit the Medway Health Walks Location list.

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