Walk Upgrades

Some stiles have been changed for gates

Route type
7.5 mi11.7 km
Start postcode
Sevenoaks Weald
Nearest train station
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The Bore Place trails weave their way through the fields and woodlands of the 500-acre organic dairy farm, offering panoramic views across this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. These gentle circular routes reveal secrets of a landscape that has been farmed and worked for over 1,000 years. The Greensand Way trail starts and finishes at the Bore Place car park and is waymarked by colour-coded directional discs and tall oak posts.

Discover the beloved Greensand Way

Experience the sheer beauty of the Greensand Way, which promises the best views Kent has to offer. Loved by generations of walkers, stroll amidst the stunning beauty of the rolling countryside and feel the sense of freedom not found anywhere else.

Discover the natural beauty and wildlife of this landscape as you wind your way along this circular route.  Don’t forget your binoculars as this route is full of hidden surprises, panoramic views and natural landscape.  See the evidence of Greater Spotted Woodpeckers, their hammer holes evident on the trunks of trees both alive and dead.  Greater Spotted Woodpeckers thrive in this area and you may be lucky enough to spot one or two on your walk.

The Greensand Way is home to many veteran Beech trees which sit wonderfully alongside younger yew, maple, birch and chestnut.  These large trees have served as landmarks, boundary markers over many hundreds of years  and now form part of the wonderful landscape that the Greensand Way is synonymous for.

In Autumn, look a little closer to ground level for chestnuts and fungi which can be found on meadow floors and against rotting tree stumps, the vivid colours and formation of the fungi have provided many a great photograph, whilst chestnuts have been taken home and dried ahead of a good traditional playground game of conkers!

In better weather, look for basking common lizards soaking up the warmth of the sun, they are commonly sighted on the Greensand Way, so if its a warm day when you visit, keep your eyes peeled!

The ancient hedgerows found along your walk form the worn in pathmarks of wild animal tracks, the tracks forming years of routes taken by animals as they thrive in their natural habitats undisturbed for centuries, their existence sitting perfectly with the generations of walkers that have walked this route.

This circular walk leads you up onto the Greensand Way where breathtaking views await. From here it loops round, passing the picturesque 14th-century Wickhurst Manor through the village of Sevenoaks Weald and across rolling farmland before returning to the start point.

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