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  • 16 Nov 2024
  • 10am - 12noon
  • Halling
Walking tagsWellbeing tags
What to expect:
  • Introduction to DadSpace for new attendees
  • Talking Piece” session
  • A short walk to unwind (time permitting)
  • Regular Sessions

Regular, structured sessions give fathers an opportunity to socialise with each other.

Building friendships, increasing confidence and courage to overcome those mental barriers we have created in our minds.

  • Support & Guidance

Members support each other by sharing emotional life experiences and how they overcame them. Support and guidance flows both ways at DadSpace. Many fathers benefit from giving as much advice and support as they receive themselves.

  • Motivational Speakers

Guest speakers bring unique insights and specialist knowledge to our sessions. There are no fairy tales here. We have heard some hard hitting life stories that really bring you down to earth and help you re-evaluate your personal situation.

  • SignPosting

Should you need any additional support, we are able to direct you to professional services. Many of which also offer free and impartial advice.

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