Brave the Cold this Winter for Wonderful Walking Fun!

winter walking

8th November 2019

With summer a distant memory, it’s easy to find yourself craving a yummy hot chocolate cuddled up around an open fire at this time of year! However, if you take the opportunity to brave the cold there are some amazing winter walks through some of Kent’s most picturesque towns and woodlands. If views aren’t enough to entice you, we’ve collected some top tips for why it’s so beneficial to get outside during winter!

Stay Warm, Dry and Breathable!

A brisk walk on a cold, crisp day can be exhilarating and refreshing, however, it can also be a direct route to frozen toes, hypothermia, or to-the-bone chills! Dressing appropriately can help prevent these problems and keep you toasty and warm!

Layering in the cold weather is the best tip for keeping warm during your winter walks. Always remember;

  • A base layer- Preferably made from polyester to reduce sweating and prevent you from getting clammy. Thermals also work the same as a base layer.
  • An insulating layer- A top or vest that you can take on and off when you get too hot or cold. Preferably made from polyester fleece or wool.
  • A windproof and water-resistant outer layer- Top it all off with a breathable jacket to let your body moisture evaporate and also to keep out wind and rain. A jacket with a hood provides extra protection.
  • A good pair of warm socks- Warm insulating materials which are not too thick that they crowd your toes together inside your shoes’.
  • A durable, waterproof, good-gripped pair of walking shoes- A light hiking boot that is waterproof and has a lot of traction to it is perfect for a winter walk. Shoes with a flexible sole to reduce injury. For a casual, relaxed stroll or dog walk, wellington boots will be fine, however, remember to layer up socks to keep your feet warm!

10 Wonderful Reasons for Walking in Winter!

  • When outdoors, you benefit from the natural light and fresh-air- This maintains your spirits during the wintertime, introduces more oxygen into your system, helps you sleep better and combats any seasonal affective disorder.
  • Soak in the winter sun- the exposure to fresh air and sunlight can improve mental health and SAD, it can also boost your immune system and increase your energy levels.
  • It will lift your mood- Going outside improves moods and makes you feel more productive.
  • It is an opportunity to be mindful- Leave the phone at home, get away from day-to-day pressures. Getting outdoors allows you to be at one with yourself without any worries or stress’.
  • Break free from the couch- Walking is an easy, accessible and free way of getting out and active and it reduces time spent on the couch, unhealthy eating and being un-productive.
  • Connecting with nature- With so many changes happening to the environment around us, getting outside is the perfect way to appreciate and enjoy the winter wildlife and nature.
  • Reduces illness and strengthens the body against winter germs and colds.
  • You burn more calories when it’s cold- In order to keep your body warm, you will expend more calories when outdoors exercising.
  • It’s free!- Anyone can do it and it is a way of getting the whole family out for free.

Ready for Some Winter Walking?

With all the best top-tips about why walking is so good for you in winter, there isn’t a more perfect time to explore the picturesque county of Kent in all its winter glory!

To find the best walks perfect for this time of year, be sure to look at our Winter Walks page!

For all other walks that Explore Kent offer, check out our activity page for all things active around Kent from walking to horse riding!

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