Suitable for mountain bikeSuitable for hybrid bikeParkingSuitable for familiesSuitable for beginners
Route type
6 mi
Start postcode
TN17 2SJ

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Bedgebury Pinetum has a variety of cycling routes suited towards everyone to ensure a great day of cycling is had. Whether you are a keen mountain biker ready to experience the thrill of the forest or you want a slower pace of ride on one of the family routes where you can fully embrace nature in the spectacular 2,000 acre forest.

Family Cycle Route

The recently surfaced 5.6 miles (9km) family cycle track is a great route that allows visitors to enjoy the forest’s impressive trees and wildflowers, as well as some of Britain’s rare wildlife. This route is of a gentle gradient with some steeper inclines. Classed as a blue graded route on Bedgebury’s cycling scale.

Mountain Biking Route

A more adventurous experience can be found over on the 8 miles (13km) single track that has been specially designed for mountain biking. Follow this route for an exhilarating ride through the forest, expect challenging climbs, tricky descents, berms, drop-offs and large rocks. Classed as a red route.

Shorter Family Route

A much shorter loop of 2.8 miles (4.5km) around the forest is ideal for those with younger children or less experience cyclists.


For off-bike as well as on-bike thrills, the forest has an explorer-themed adventure play area and the ‘Go Ape’ high-wire forest course of rope bridges, tarzan swings and zip slides.

With a collection of over 10,000 tree specimens growing in 320 acres, the adjoining Bedgebury National Pinetum includes many rare, historically important and endangered trees. Route guides can be obtained at Bedgebury Visitor Centre.

Car Parking Charges Apply

Vehicle Admission Charges Apply. For more information on parking charges visit Forestry England, Bedgebury and click on the parking and prices tab.

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