Path alongside Royal Military Canal

Public Rights Of Way Map

One of the best ways to explore and enjoy Public Rights of Way near you to find new routes is to check out the map over on the KCC website. The map allows you to search by town, postcode and then by footpath, bridleways, restricted byways, byways and promoted routes to take. You’ll be amazed at what you might find, new routes you may discover and unearth just how vast and well developed our network is here in Kent.

Looking at a new path upgrade on our social media? Use the Public Rights of Way Map below, click on search by path code and type in the code mentioned on our social media post. It’s that easy!

Report A Problem On A Public Right Of Way

You can report non-urgent issues along any pathway online including:

  • broken stiles
  • overgrown vegetation or fallen trees
  • damaged or dangerous path surfaces
  • damaged or missing signposts.

Please submit a separate report for each individual problem. This helps officers to identify and inspect the correct location and update you on progress more accurately.