Rainy Days in Kent
Just Rain Fun!
Don’t let the weather put you off. With boots, waterproofs, a hat, gloves and an umbrella you will be ready for a rainy day expedition in one of Kent Country Parks – What about going on a puddle hunt at Shorne Woods Country Park? Who can find the biggest puddle? Or the muddiest? Who can make the biggest splash?
The wildlife at Kent Country Parks love the rain too. Birds know that after a rainstorm is the best time to look for worms. Slugs, snails, slow worms, frog, newts and hedgehogs also love the wet soil, so keep a look out for them and see how many you can spot!
Make a shelter!
Even if you don’t camp you could still make an awesome shelter. With a piece of tarpaulin and some cord you can make a shelter wherever you are. By securing a length of cord between two trees you can make a ridge for the shelter. The tarpaulin can be hung over the ridge. Guy ropes from each corner can be pegged to the ground or secured with stones. Perfect for a rainy day picnic, with a flask of hot chocolate!
Jacket up!
A decent jacket is the icing on the cake – without the right one you won’t enjoy yourself. After all there is no fun shivering and counting down the minutes until you can go back inside. A good quality waterproof jacket will keep the wind from your bones, the water from seeping inside and give you the great day you were hoping for.
A good jacket doesn’t have to cost the earth, your best option is to visit a good quality outdoors store and get some advice on the best jacket for your needs. Essentially for rainy days, your jacket needs to be breathable, windproof and durable.
Features you need to be looking for are;
- fully adjustable hood
- taped seams
- underarm venting
- water resistant zips
Check the label on the jacket, if it has these essential basics, you’re good to go!
Get a spring in your step!
A pair of decent walking boots will make walking far more enjoyable, comfortable and less tiring. Many people wear the wrong footwear when walking and notice a real difference once they’ve kitted themselves out with the right boots.
Walking boots come in a range of prices, getting the right size and fit is the most important consideration. Again, it’s a good idea to get some fitting advice and get the right boot for your needs so you don’t end up paying for features you don’t need. Generally speaking, going for a good feel and remembering to try on with a pair of walking socks will often suffice for every day walking needs.
If you like lowland rambling, a flexible boot will be more suited to your needs whereas for hill walking, a boot with a stiffer midsole will be a good option. It’s a good idea to opt for a waterproof boot if you’re out walking in the rain to avoid any nasty leaks into your boot – always a dampener on your experience!
Kids will love a nice pair of colourful wellies to go puddle splashing in and are an essential in any active kids outdoors kit! Have you ever tasted raindrops? Catch them on your tongue and see.