Map Reading & compass

It’s never too late to get acquainted with map reading or get the kids involved with the art of reading a map.  Make a start by learning the points of a compass – check out the video below!

A map is essential for everyday life from finding the quickest way to your destination to getting back on track if you’ve lost your way on a public footpath.  It’s also useful for outdoor activities such as orienteering and Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

All you need is a map and compass!

Losing yourself in a landscape and being able to find your way home without a sweat sounds like a dream come true if you’re not confident map reader but really it is as simple as using a map and compass – so next time you’re planning a walking adventure, arm yourself with a map and trusty compass and you’ll be ready to start map reading or perfecting a rusty technique.

Check out some brilliant tips on map reading for beginners and how to pinpoint your location if you’re completely lost!

So what are you waiting for? #GoOutside and start learning a life skill that will be the envy of your friends!

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