
Golf is a growing sport, with many becoming more interested in playing and understanding the rules.

Here we’ve compiled some of the best places in Kent to play a variety of different styles of golf.  Joining golf clubs, pay and plays, golfing lessons, driving ranges and adventure golf, would help all players. Whether you are a beginner or very skilled, there is something for everyone in every area of Kent.

Not only is golf an amazing way to get outside, active and keep fit, it is also a beneficial way to catch a glimpse of some of Kent’s finest views and areas! Golf courses are known for their stunning views and locations, and with rolling green fields to freshwater lakes, you can enjoy the most beautiful views all while enjoying a game of golf and a stroll across the course!

Whether you are taking the family out for a few rounds of adventure golf, or venturing on a competitive round at your local club with other members, there is something for everyone and for all abilities!

Joining a Club...

Pay and Play Courses...

Places for Golf Lessons...

Driving Ranges...

Mini Golf Courses...

Kent offers many more places to enjoy and play Golf, with Kent Golf Union you can find the best-affiliated clubs to visit and enjoy or maybe even join the club! You can also find other places to play and enjoy on the specialised Kent Sports page, about all things Golf!

Flexibility is key to Golf and with a wide range of different ways to play, it is the perfect sport to take up as an individual, family or amateur. For a fun day just play light-hearted mini golf… which is always entertaining!

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