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  • 29 Jan 2024
  • 10am-3:30pm
  • £97
Training tagsWildlife & Nature tags

An online training day on the UK Habitat Classification, a new comprehensive classification system for vegetation habitats used in conservation and land management.

About the event

UKHab is a new comprehensive vegetation classification which is set to replace Phase 1 Habitat Survey in Preliminary Ecological Assessments and Biodiversity Net Gain metric calculations for new developments.

This online course is aimed at participants who have some basic knowledge of vegetation survey such as Phase 1 Habitat Survey.   Our course will be updated to the new version of UKHab (version 2.0).

This overview will be useful to all ecological consultants, conservationists, land managers or those who read and comment on ecology reports for developments.  Those with some botanical experience (equivalent to FISC level 3) will be able to carryout Basic level UKHab surveys for broad habitat types.  For professional UKHab surveys of more specialist habitats a greater level of botanical expertise would be required.

The day will consist of three Zoom webinars of approximately 60 minutes each plus up to 30 minutes for questions:

  • 10.00 to 11.30:An Introduction and overview of UKHab
  • 12.00 to 13.30: How to code and map habitats in a UKHab survey
  • 14.00-15.30: How to use the UKHab Field Key to habitats (includes interactive practice of the Field Key)

This course will give participants:

  • An Introduction and overview of UKHab
  • How to code and map habitats in a UKHab survey
  • How to use the UKHab Field Key to habitats

Led by Lesley Mason PhD ACIEEM: UKHab accredited trainer and FISC level 5 botanist.

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