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  • 8 Mar 2024
  • 10:30am-4:40pm
  • £35
  • Maidstone
Training tags

An illustrated review of the geology of the Kentish landscape from the oldest rocks to the youngest sediments.

About the event

The day will begin with an introduction to the geology of Kent – looking at the landscape and the geological structures that dictate the sequence of sedimentary beds to be seen on the ground. We shall consider the distribution of different environmental tracts of land including Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Nature Reserves, Ramsar sites, Country Parks and Sites of special Scientific Interest.

We shall then consider the beds of the Late Jurassic to be found just outside the county borders, starting with the oldest beds in Kent such as those of the Coal Measures to be found in East Kent, before moving forward in time to the Early Cretaceous looking at the Wealden beds laid down in a terrestrial environment. We shall look at the different rocks types that make up the High Weald and the Low Weald followed by a look at the fossils that can be found.

After lunch we shall move forward in time to the beds of the Lower Greensand, Gault Clay and Chalk where we look at a range of rock types deposited in contrasting marine environments. Again consideration will be given to how these rocks influence the Kentish landscape.

Finally we shall consider the unconformity between the Chalk succession and what it represents and then review the overlying and younger sands and clays. There will then follow a roundup of the younger, and usually more localised, sedimentary rocks such as the Lenham Beds, Sarsen Stones, periglacial deposits, river deposits and coastal sediments.

By the end of the day attendees should have a basic understanding of the environment of deposition in which London Clay, Chalk, Lower Greensand and the Wealden Beds were laid down, along with an appreciation of how the physical landscape of the county reflects the underlying geology.  Everyone should also feel confident using a hand lens to look at rocks.

This course is suitable for beginners.  Please note that only adults aged 18 and over can now attend our Study Days.  This is for safeguarding and insurance reasons.

Led by Geoff Downer, Geologist



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