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  • 5 May 2024
  • 10:30am - 4pm
  • £37.50
  • Maidstone
Farming & Animals tagsTraining tagsWildlife & Nature tags

An introductory course for anyone interested in learning more about bees and the craft of beekeeping.

About the event

The day will comprise five short PowerPoint presentations covering different aspects of beekeeping:

1.    Introduction to keeping bees
2.    The hive
3.    Beginners’ equipment
4.    The colony
5.    The beekeeping year

This will be complemented with practical demonstrations of equipment and common methods of management used by beekeepers.

Demonstrations will use a teaching hive and we will also watch a video to see bees in action in the hive

The day will finish with information and advice on how to take up the hobby if that’s how participants wish to progress
By the end of the session, you will be able to:

1.  Understand the responsibility and commitment required in keeping honey bees and their safe introduction to an environment where there are people and other pollinators that will be impacted by their presence

2.  Recognise queen, workers and drones in a hive and understand the yearly cycle of the colony related to rearing young, building comb and division of labour including pollination and honey production

3.  Know the equipment needed and the work and responsibility of the hobby beekeeper in looking after a colony of bees

4.  Be able to safely site and manipulate a colony of bees with due care to health and safety of family and neighbours in the near vicinity

Led by Julie Coleman, an experienced beekeeper and who runs beginners’ courses for the Whitstable and Herne Bay branch of Kent beekeepers, and is an examiner for various BBKA practical assessments. Now retired, she worked as a biologist and microbiologist and is a qualified and experienced teacher of adults.  British Bee Keepers Association – Master Beekeeper 2017

Suitable for beginners and those interested in becoming a hobby beekeeper.



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