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  • 5 Sep 2023
  • 3pm-7pm
  • Gravesend
Outdoor Activities tags
Do you want to reduce your carbon footprint?
Save money and cut energy costs?
Live a little more sustainably?
Then come along to our resident event and meet a number of organisations and professionals who can help. With information and demonstrations ranging from recycling and growing your own to newer technologies including heat pumps and electric vehicle charging, there’s something for everyone!
University of Greenwich will also be giving a free talk about sustainable living; including information about how houses ‘breath’, the importance of considering the right materials for your home and looking at different heating, cooling and smart systems – and some quick wins. They will also be on hand to answer questions

We will also have a number of FREE activities including:

  • Bicycle MOTs and repairs
  • Make do and Mend
  • Planting advice
  • Recycling hub
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