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Dr. Jessica Potter is a Research Tutor at the Royal College of Art. At this workshop, Jessica will lead you down into the Devil's Kneading Trough to explore the relationship between language and landscape through poetry readings and attentive observational drawings onto Vellum paper.

  • 20 Jul 2024
  • 3pm - 4:30pm
  • Wye

Event Information

You will spend time observing details in the landscape through drawing and writing and then come together to create a collective cyanotype drawing. The cyanotype process, or blueprint process, was used by early botanists to record plants. Participants will combine drawing and notation to create a collage of observation inspired by the landscape.

The session will start with a poetry reading and discussion of the poetic potential of the biodiverse chalk grass landscape. Participants will be encouraged to engage with the grass landscape and identify a location to observe and draw. The group will spend 45 minutes developing attentive cyanotype drawings of a specific part of the grassland.


There is no step-free access and there are steps with no handrail. There is general car parking. There is no seating. If you require seating please bring your own to the workshop.

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