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  • 22 Sep 2024
  • 11am - 5pm
  • £70
  • Meopham
Wellbeing tags

On Sunday 22nd of September.

Dayna & Natalie host a creative relaxation and mindful Nature Day Retreat located in the beautiful Kent downs in the South.

The retreat unfolds as a deeply immersive experience, designed to reconnect you with the earth, your inner self, and the simple joys of life. The day begins with a session of Mindful Nature Qigong, where you move in harmony with the elements around you. As you inhale the fresh, crisp air, you focus on each movement, feeling the energy flow through your body, syncing with the rhythms of nature. This practice grounds you, centers your thoughts, and brings you fully into the present moment.

Following Qigong, you transition into a tranquil meditation session. Surrounded by the soothing sounds of rustling leaves and distant bird calls, you close your eyes and tune into the stillness within. This is a time to let go of the mental clutter and simply be. The meditation deepens your connection to the natural world, as you embrace the calm and clarity that come from quiet contemplation.

After a nourishing break, you engage in a Nature Calligraphy Creative Session. This activity is all about channeling your creativity and expressing your connection to nature through art. Using nature as your materials, allowing your hand to flow freely, capturing the essence of the surroundings. It isn’t about perfection; it’s about mindfulness and letting your intuition guide you. This creative expression serves as a bridge between your inner world and the external environment, fostering a deep sense of harmony.

As the day draws to a close, you gather with others for a profound Cacao Fire Ceremony. In this sacred space, you are offered a cup of rich, warm cacao, a plant medicine revered for its heart-opening properties. As you sip, you reflect on what you wish to release—old patterns, fears, or anything no longer serving you. The ceremonial fire crackles softly as you offer these thoughts to the flames, symbolically letting go and making space for new beginnings.

The ceremony ends on a light-hearted note with the simple pleasure of toasting marshmallows over the fire. The sweetness of the treat, combined with the warmth of the fire and the company of others, brings a sense of completion to the day. As you savor the gooey marshmallows, you feel a deep sense of peace, renewal, and gratitude.

This Nature Day Retreat is not just a break from the everyday hustle; it is a journey inward, a time to reconnect with the earth, and an opportunity to reset your mind and spirit in the most natural and nurturing way.

More about qigong :-

Ancient Qi Gong movement will help to cultivate energy and balance in your body. Light and easy movements suitable for all.

Qi gong is also about connecting to our natural world and surroundings and further benefits are offered when practicing outdoors.

No prior experience needed.

Bring your walking shoes, water bottle, extra layers, bug spray protection if needed, yoga matt.

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