Shaun the Sheep and the Countryside Code

31st May 2023

Follow Shaun’s Countryside Code guide for a baa-rilliant time in the great outdoors.

The Countryside Code in England is managed by Natural England, through the Project Engagement Team. This team engages with some of England’s biggest outdoor assets, ranging from the Countryside Code to the King Charles III England Coast Path, the longest National Trail in the UK.

Shaun the Sheep is a popular children‘s character from the hit TV series, Shaun the Sheep. He is now joining forces with Natural England as a Countryside Code Champion to help spread awareness of the importance of respecting the countryside and the wildlife that lives in it.

Shaun will be teaching children and adults alike the importance of respecting the environment and treating it with care. He will be sharing tips on how to enjoy the countryside while also looking after it and its inhabitants!

The Countryside Code is a set of guidelines to help people enjoy the countryside responsibly. It includes the following principles:

  1. Respect other people be considerate and polite to everyone you meet.
  2. Protect the environment take your litter home, keep dogs under control, and leave gates and property as you find them.
  3. Enjoy the outdoors visit places that are safe and take part in activities that don‘t damage the environment.

Shaun often finds himself in the countryside and follows the Countryside Code to stay out of trouble and make sure he respects other people and the environment. He teaches children the importance of looking after the countryside and being responsible when they are outdoors.

The Countryside Code Challenge

Natural England and the Pawprint Family have created a challenge badge accompanied by a free downloadable activity pack and 3 high-quality printable resources. So, leaders, teachers and parents can deliver the Countryside Code message in a fun and interactive way.

The Countryside Code Fun Trail leaflet

There is also a fun engaging leaflet to encourage young people to go out and explore the outdoors and complete to test your knowledge of the Countryside Code. Tasks include – a scavenger hunt, spotting signs and symbols in the outdoors and questions to check your knowledge of the Code!

Shaun loves being in nature so he’s been finding out how to make the countryside and green spaces safe and enjoyable for everyone working, living and visiting the great outdoors. For more information head to the National Trail website below to see how you can become a Countryside Code Champion just like Shaun!

The Countryside Code team worked with Debbie North from Access the Dales, a charity dedicated to improving access to the countryside. Before the filming took place Debbie had developed a version of the Code which would be more suited to Autistic children, with adapted Countryside Code messaging. This version is now available on the resource pages of the Countryside Code website.

Take a look at her segment in BBC’s Newsround here:

For more information on the Countryside Code, visit our page here. 


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