Palace Park Wood
A Woodland Trust wood, Palace Park was created in 1998 under the ‘Woodland On Your Doorstep’ scheme, with the site being leased from Otford Parish Council to create a space where the public can benefit from easy access to a natural woodland environment. The site consists of 5.1 hectares of both woodland and open grassland, with a considerable area of open grassland at its northern end, left unplanted due to the gas pipeline and communications cables which run underneath the area. Set in a low lying area, the woods are liable to seasonal flooding during wetter winter months. There are benches dotted around the woodland, providing quiet spots to sit and enjoy the natural environment, despite being close to the built-up areas of Sevenoaks and Otford village. Palace Park Wood is very near to two other open spaces; Kemsing Downs and Oxenhill Shaw and Meadow.
Easy access information
This park and open space contains uneven trails, un-surfaced or narrow pathways. Also, there are width restricting features, such as stiles and narrow gaps making it difficult for visitors with pushchairs and/or wheelchairs to access some parts of the site.