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Northfleet Urban Country Park is approximately 9 hectares in size, and consists mainly of areas of grassland, with scrub and broadleaf woodland scattered throughout. A relaxed and informal site, it is currently used extensively by dog walkers.
There are numerous informal paths that guide visitors around the park. The management style has given rise to the varied habitats enhancing the wildlife and biodiversity of the area.
Benefitting from extensive planting of native trees, shrubs and wildflowers, a variety of natural wildlife habitats have been created.
Undulating gently downwards from north to south, the site has two distinct levels, which are connected by a series of paths and traversed by wide grassy rides.
Northfleet Urban Country Park lies to the west of Gravesend and can be accessed on its eastern side from Vale Road and on its western side from Springhead Road.

Easy access information

This park and open space contains uneven trails, un-surfaced or narrow pathways. Also, there are width restricting features, such as stiles and narrow gaps making it difficult for visitors with pushchairs and/or wheelchairs to access some parts of the site.

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