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One of the largest areas of woodland in Kent, Lyminge Forest now benefits from five new cycle routes of varying length which run through and around the site.
There are also two walking routes around the forest, specifically designed to lead you to the best sports for seeing the carpets of bluebells which flower in the woodland in spring.
Lyminge Forest is made up of a number of smaller woods, all of which can be explored via the new cycle routes, which range in length from 2.5 miles (the red route around West Woods) to the 8-mile-long Purple Ride.
There is also the Elham Valley Ride, which links Lyminge Forest with the villages of Lyminge and Elham.
Set in the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, there are no stiles or barriers in Lyminge Forest, making many of the flat, well-surfaced walking routes suitable for all.

Easy access information

This park and open space has at least one accessible route but otherwise is considered to be less suitable for visitors with pushchairs and/or wheelchairs.

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