Route type
10.3 mi16.58 km
Distance from train station
0.5 mi
Start postcode
ME13 7AG
Nearest train station
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Upon leaving Faversham, you soon find yourself walking through open grazing pasture and arable fields with crops of wheat. Along the way, you will also be welcomed by the sweet smell of apple orchards at Broom Street, a working strawberry farm at Goodnestone and hop fields that supply Shepherd Neame Brewery and are used to make some of Kent’s most famous beers such as Spitfire and Bishops Finger.

You will escape from it all as the far reaching views across Graveney Marsh open up around you. Water and land meet at many points along this route and it certainly provides some of the most fascinating and impressive landscapes as well as an ideal place to relax and unwind. The Swale Estuary and Faversham Creek are excellent locations to capture some stunning photographs on camera whether you are an amateur or a professional.

This walk offers a real sense of peace, quietness and open space with the contrast of a bustling market town at its heart.

This walk is a sneak preview of one of four Explore Kent walks that are being developed by Faversham Enterprise Partnership and Kent County Council. The walks will explore Faversham and the surrounding area and they will be available on the Explore Kent website next summer. Each walk leaflet will include a map, information about accommodation, restaurants, visitor attractions and much more.

For more information about Faversham visit the Faversham town website.

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