Christopher Marlowe and Canterbury
Christopher Marlowe and CanterburyDownload
Route type
1.6 mi2.57 km
Distance from train station
0.5 mi
Start postcode
Kentish Stour
Nearest train station
Canterbury East
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This walk celebrates one of Britain’s best known play wrights Christopher Marlowe.  Born in 1564 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, his life was dominated by the fight for power between Protestants and Catholics. Educated at the King’s School at Canterbury Cathedral, and then at Corpus Christi in Cambridge, he became known for his hedonistic lifestyle, a mixture of scandal, religion and espionage, as much as for his wonderful works.

His works including Tamburlaine, Edward II and the Jew of Malta and were often hauntingly similar to the works of William Shakespeare who was said to be influenced by Marlowe.

This walk takes you on a fascinating journey around the heart of Canterbury visiting buildings which Marlowe himself would have been familiar, as well as several opportunities to learn more about his life which was tragically cut short at the age of 29 in suspicious circumstances. The exact circumstances have never been resolved, some say he was stabbed in an act of self defense at a pub in Deptford whilst others say he fled the country and lived in exile on the continent…


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