Cyclists cycling along Hythe seafront

Active Travel improvements for Cinque Ports (Hythe to Dymchurch)

The Cinque Ports Cycleway will eventually provide a continuous walking and cycling route connecting Folkestone to Lydd along the coast. It aims to encourage sustainable travel within the area, making it easier for people to walk and cycle.

In 2020 the Department for Transport (DfT) created an Active Travel Fund to enable councils to provide improved walking and cycling facilities. Kent County Council was successful in securing funding to create a safe and attractive 1.5km long cycle route along the A259 between Palmarsh and Dymchurch Redoubt, providing a missing link in the Cinque Ports Cycleway. The new route provides access to railway stations, schools and residential areas to the north and south. It will also enable leisure trips and provide an active travel option for the new housing at the Martello Lakes site.

Take a look at the map below and see how you can use the network to plan your active travel journey.

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