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West Farleigh River Walk Guide
West Farleigh River Walk GuideDownload
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ME18 5BX
Medway Valley

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From Teston Bridge Country Park this walk leads underneath Teston Bridge through grazed grassland towards Barming Bridge, otherwise known as Kettle Bridge.

There has been a crossing at Barming since before the Romans, who laid cobbles down on the existing ford. It is said that if you dive to the bottom of the river the cobbles are still visible.

Along the way are plenty of views over the Medway Valley and towards the magnificent Barham Court, a Grade II listed building and former home of one of the infamous knights who murdered Thomas Beckett in 1170.

All Saints Church near Court Lodge Farm is another piece of local history. Originally built around 1100, the church boasts plenty of early Norman features. During the Reformation a bronze, brass and wood cross was buried here by the priest and hidden so well that no one found it for 300 years.

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