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Wraik Hill & Foxes Cross Bottom is an area of small fields, scrub and woodland to the south west of Whitstable. These two sites are linked by an area of land in Pilgrims Lane, and the whole site is managed by Canterbury City Council in partnership with Kent Wildlife Trust. There is a network of paths and a public footpath links the site to Ellenden Wood –part of ‘The Blean’ complex of ancient woodland. The area is grazed using ponies and Highland cattle to keep the grass short and allow a wide range of grassland species to grow. In places the Wraik Hill site is very steep and muddy, but the steepest point has far reaching views over the Seasalter Levels and out towards the Isle of Sheppey -well worth the climb!

Easy access information

This park and open space contains uneven trails, un-surfaced or narrow pathways. Also, there are width restricting features, such as stiles and narrow gaps making it difficult for visitors with pushchairs and/or wheelchairs to access some parts of the site.

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