Route type
5.25 mi8.45 km
Start postcode
ME13 9AL
Boughton Street
Kentish Stour
Nearest train station
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Sandwiched between Sittingbourne and Whitstable, Faversham is an historic Kentish treasure offering visitors the promise of discovery and adventure.

The walk also passes through Blean Wood, one of the largest woodlands in Kent and allows you to follow an ancient path called Pilgrims Way, the road used by the Romans to get to London from Dover.

Whether you seek heritage, history, flora or fauna, this walk provides an excellent example of what Faversham can offer.

*Please note The White Horse at Boughton-under-Blean closed in 2021 and has now reopened under new ownership.

At The White Horse in Boughton you can enjoy a slice of history and a generous helping of the area’s rich harvest. Surrounded by orchards and hop gardens, this ancient coaching inn is mentioned in The Canterbury Tales and it was here that the Courtenay rioters stood trial when it was a courtroom.

Visitors are guaranteed a far warmer welcome. The White Horse at Boughton-under-Blean offers free parking to walkers using the restaurant and bar. The village pub offers an innovative menu combining pub classics with fresh dishes using culinary flavours from across the world – all served in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, and the bar is open every day for drinks. A traditional roast lunch is available on Sundays. Open every day for Breakfast 7.30 – 10am, Lunch 12 – 3pm and Dinner 6 – 9pm. Booking is advised. Guests who wish to stay can book one of their comfortable rooms.

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