ParkingToiletsSuitable for small childrenSuitable for dogs
Dunorlan Park Stile Free Trail
Dunorlan Park Stile Free TrailDownload
Route type
1.6 mi2.57 km
Start postcode
Tunbridge Wells
Kent High Weald
Nearest train station
Tunbridge Wells
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Our stile free routes are suitable for a wide range of users including those in mobility scooters and families with younger children.

At Explore Kent, we aim to provide detailed information about our routes to give you a clear idea of what to expect. Please be mindful that our stile free routes are located in the countryside and the path surfaces can be adversely affected by poor weather conditions. Certain routes may be better suited for wheelchairs with wider wheels, as they can handle the terrain more easily compared to other wheelchairs. We encourage you to read about the trails, and to assess them if you feel confident in completing them yourself.

If you would like more information on accessibility, please email

Route information:

A short circular walk of 1.6 miles (2.6km) on a tarmac surface around an ornamental lake in a beautiful Victorian park. Café, toilets and summer boat hire are all here.

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