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Herne Bay

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Beacon Hill is located on the north Kent coast in Herne Bay and has stunning views of Reculver to the East and the Isle of Sheppey to the West. The main paths are surfaced and are well used by walkers and cyclists. Beacon Hill is reasonably accessible for wheelchairs and buggies, although there are steep inclines. On the lower level the path runs along the shoreline and forms part of the Saxon Shore trail, whilst on the upper level there is a steep incline that rises to the top of the hill before levelling out. The landscape is open with low level planting that can survive the winds and sea air. Mazes of unsurfaced paths criss cross Beacon Hill and provide lots of adventure and fun for families. The hill also has several sets of concrete steps that descend steeply to the lower levels at various point, and providing good access to the shingle beach. Benches at regular points along the way offer a place to rest and enjoy the views and the café at Kings Hall provides light refreshments and access to toilets.

Easy access information

This park and open space has at least one accessible route but otherwise is considered to be less suitable for visitors with pushchairs and/or wheelchairs.

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